If you have any questions regarding our Scholarship program please contact Jessica Goodspeed 518 210-7035 or Jane Schramm 518 836-1901 or Judy Brinkman 518 366-4695.
The Scholarship Award Banquet was held on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 at The Turf Tavern, at 5:30 pm.
Schenectady BPW is offering Educational Scholarships for girls and women who live or work in Schenectady County. The Schenectady Business & Professional Women's Club, Inc. High School Scholarship is available for High School Seniors who wish to pursue a traditional college or vocational path, and The Catherine Raycroft Memorial Scholarship is available for a woman who is over age 25, who is pursuing a college or vocational path.
The money for these scholarships is raised at our Annual Fashion Show and Woman of the Year celebration.
SAVE THE DATE: This year's Annual Fashion Show and Woman of the Year Celebration will be held on October 27, 2024. Please visit our events page for more details!
The Catherine H. Raycroft Scholarship Award
This Scholarship originated in 2009 and is awarded to a woman who works or lives in Schenectady County and has interrupted her college or professional training and is returning to formal training.
Cay Raycroft was an honor student who enjoyed sports, choir, and drama. She grew up in Ohio and was the national president of Baptist Youth Fellowship. A graduate of Chicago’s Baptist Women College, she received her MSS from the Bryn Mawr School of Social Work. She was married to David Raycroft for 53 years; they had two children and two grandchildren. Cay was director of education at a church in Delmar, MO, executive director of the Philadelphia YWCA, and active in community development around the world. She reorganized services at the Charlton School for Girls.
Her major contribution in Schenectady was with the Human Services Planning Council, Inc., where she worked for twenty years, and where Cay and her staff helped Schenectady County develop the County Public Health Department, Youth Board, Office for the Aging, battered women’s shelter, housing projects and criminal justice program—all highly successful entities today. She was honored by countless organizations for her service on many boards and task forces. Cay Raycroft was an active professional humanitarian and advocate for human rights her entire life. Sadly we lost Cay in 2017.
Cay began as Legislative Chair since she joined BPW in 1974. She became President in 1983-85. She was District Director and Member of the BPW/NYS Board from 1987 to 1989 and state officer in 1989 and State President in 1992-1993. She was a member of BPW/USA National Board when she was president of BPW/NYS, and also served on the BPW/USA Membership Committee. She was the editor of NIKE, the NY State BPW magazine.
We thank you, Cay!
Jane Schramm
Jessica Goodspeed
Anna Juliano
Judy Brinkman
Mary Mortka
Jane Schramm at jschramm@heritagehome4women.net
Jessica Goodspeed at
Contact us for more information.